Umkreis: 25 km


Datum: Donnerstag, 18.07.2024 Location: Cafe Central Weinheim Ort: 69469 Weinheim Straße: Bahnhofstraße 19 Booking: Jetzt Tickets bestellen
A dream for some... A nightmare for others! "These guys come on quietly, beat your senses with a baseball bat and then retreat to the bar to leave you with the rest of your sanity in a puddle in your trousers."

Asomvel is a four-piece hard rock band from the UK, notorious for their excessive volume and high-octane stage shows. Barely a year after the release of their highly acclaimed debut album Kamikaze, the band was shaken to its foundations when frontman Jay-Jay Winter was killed in a road accident. Despite the terrible tragedy, co-founder and guitarist Lenny knew the band had to carry on to honour the determined spirit of its founder. Since the release of World Shaker, the first album to feature Jay-Jay's nephew Ralph on vocals, the band has performed all over the world, including a tour of South America, Japan and throughout Europe. These performances have included many prestigious festivals and extensive tours with well-known artists.
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