Umkreis: 25 km

Highlight - Tour (englisch) - Highlight-Tour (english)

Datum: Mittwoch, 04.09.2019 Location: Besucherzentrum Olympiastadion Berlin Ort: 14053 Berlin Straße: Olympischer Platz 3
A professional guide takes you on a 60- to 75-minute tour of the stadium, to areas not otherwise open to the public. Visit the venue of the 2006 FIFA World Cuptm , the 12th World Championships in Athletics berlin 2009TM and the 6th FIFA Women's World Cup 2011TM , the VIP areas, changing rooms, and the underground warm-up training hall. Enjoy the impressive perspective of a state of the art stadium from the edge of the blue tartan track while your guide tells you all about the history and architecture of the Olympiastadion Berlin