Umkreis: 25 km

Connection-Electronic Vibes Saturday

Datum: Samstag, 27.05.2023 Location: CONNECTION CLUB Berlin Ort: 10777 Berlin Straße: Fuggerstraße 33
A club with a 30-year history but fresh industrial design has now been created with a lot of passion and attention to detail, which is unparalleled in the Schöneberger Kiez. A second level was created on the main floor, where you can not only watch the hustle and bustle in the club, but also celebrate at eye level with the DJ. the bar became a cozy bar lounge with seating, from which you can see the cloakroom and the entrance area through a window. With two more speed bars on the main floor, where you can get the most popular drinks, long waits are almost impossible.
The dance floor is now clearly separated from the walkway to the basement and twice as big as before. The 8-point sound system, gives you the feeling of being immersed in the music and not being yelled at by one of the loudspeakers. In the basement, a cozy and spacious lounge invites you to chill. The bar has been completely redesigned and, like the bar lounge on the main floor, has a more extensive drink´s menu and now also offers comfortable seating directly at the counter.
Not only the appearance of the club has changed, also the club concept. Rather, the guest is awaited by a new connection family that can hardly wait to celebrate with the guests and make them happy with attentive service. Of course there will still be the opportunity for exuberant fun in our cruising labyrinth. The CONNECTION has one of the largest cruising areas in Berlin and offers guests a small add-on to the club area.