Umkreis: 25 km

Our Last Night

Datum: Freitag, 27.09.2024 Location: HUXLEY'S NEUE WELT Ort: 10967 Berlin Straße: Hasenheide 108-114 Booking: Jetzt Tickets bestellen
With no label and a massive fan base their DIY approach of self-producing their albums and music videos has become a model for those seeing to make a living doing what they love. Their unique sound and ability to create rock solid covers of todays hits has solidified their success while launching their original music into new realms.

- 740 million total views on YouTube
- 1.23 billion streams on Spotify
- Headlined performances in over 50 countries
- ‘Invincible' featured on The Need For Speed Official Trailer
- YouTube collaboration with Gillette Razor
- Truth Youtube campaign
- Ed Sheeran's 'Shape Of You' Cover, went viral and hit 5 million views on Facebook in 1 week
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